男女之間 - 額外成就感(六)
1 . Don't treat me as an idiot.別把我當傻瓜。
2 . She cheated on the examination.她考試作弊。
3 . They are very much in love.他們正在熱戀。
4 . He's constantly disturbing me.她老是打擾我。
5 . He is now involved in stocks.他現在熱衷於股票。
6 . He sees her often but doesn't want to get too involved.他常與她來往,但不願用情太深。
7 . She worried constantly.她經常煩惱。
8 . He'd been two-timing me for months.他另有所愛,多少個月來一直在瞞著我。
9 . I'm madly in love with her.我愛她愛得發瘋。
10 . He takes things too seriously.他看待事情太認真了。
11 . I take this threat very seriously.我認為這種威脅非同小可。
12 . You should treat them with more consideration.你應該多體諒他們一些。