基礎口語 1700 句
第 141 部分
1 . What is the way to the bank?哪一個方向是去銀行的?
2 . What is the type of furture?這是什麼類型的傢俱?
3 . What is the total circulation of this weekly magazine.這家週刊總發行量多少?
4 . What is the total circulation of this publication.這家刊物總發行量多少?
5 . What is the way to the theater?哪一個方向是去戲院的?
6 . What is the way to the airport?哪一個方向是去飛機場?
7 . What is the weather like in this country?這個國家的氣候如何?
8 . What is the way to the drugstore?哪一個方向是去藥房的?
9 . What is thelargest industrial center in this country?這個國家最大的工業區是哪裡?