1 . First, I would like to express to all of you here our sincere welcome.首先,我向在坐的諸位表示誠摯的歡迎。
2 . But we cannot afford to depend on tradition alone.但是我們不能靠吃老本過日。
3 . I think you must be proud of being a part of such a great company.我認為你們應該為能成為這家公司的一員而感到驕傲。
4 . From today, let us begin to work together.從今天開始讓我們一起工作吧。
5 . I want you to work for yourself, and for the well-being fo the society.我認為你們應為自己工作,為這個社會的幸福而工作。
6 . I am Gary Swan, president of this company.我是蓋瑞.斯萬,這家公司的總裁。
7 . You are equipped with new knowledge, new ideas, and new insights.你們擁有新知識、新思想、新眼光。
8 . Do now waste them, but use them while they are fresh.不要浪費了這些,要趁未落伍時善加利用。
9 . I want you to work, but not just for our company.我想你們的工作不應只為我們的公司。
10 . Our company is one of the big names and has a long tradition.我們是一家久負盛名,有著悠久歷史的公司。
11 . I would like to welcome you once again.我向你們再次表示歡迎。
12 . We need new blood like you to make our company greater and stronger.我們需要像你們這樣的新鮮血液的補充從而使我們的公司更加壯大。