英文諺語 3120 句(二)
第 174 部分
1 . Many receive advice only the wise profit by it.聆忠言者眾,智者獨獲益。
2 . Many straws may bind an elephant.草多可縛象。
3 . March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.三月來如雄獅,去如綿羊。
4 . Many one says well that thinks ill.口蜜腹劍者不乏其人。
5 . Many wells, many buckets.井多吊桶也多。
6 . Marriage comes by destiny.姻緣命中定。
7 . Many words cut (or hurt) more than swords.惡語傷人勝刀見。
8 . Marriaage is the bloom or blight of all men's happiness.結婚是人生的幸福花朵開放的時候,也可能是凋謝的時候。
9 . Marriage goes by contrasts.夫妻之間難免有差異。