1 . Where's a good place to sample the local cuisine?在哪兒能品嚐到本地的風味食品?
2 . What's the best place for souvenir hunting?在哪兒可以買到最好的紀念品?
3 . How do I find the bus stop?我怎樣才能找到車站?
4 . We're strangers here; can you help us find ...?我們在這裡人生地不熟,您能告訴我們__在哪裡嗎?
5 . We're lost, can you help us figure out where we are?我們迷路了,你能告訴我們現在我們在哪兒嗎?
6 . Can we catch a cab here?在這兒能叫到出租車嗎?
7 . I'm sorry, I can't help you. I'm just a tourist also.很抱歉,我幫不了你,我也只是個遊客。
8 . Can you tell me where the tourist sites are located?你能告訴我本地有什麼旅遊名勝嗎?
9 . Do you know where the nearest post office is?你知道最近的郵局在哪兒嗎?
10 . Where can we find a good restaurant?我們在哪兒能找到一個好餐館?