1 . I'm going nowhere in my present job.我現在的工作沒有出路。
2 . I don't want to work for minimum wage.我可不想為拿這麼微薄的工資而工作。
3 . There is no future in my job.我的工作沒有未來。
4 . I don't want to flip hamburgers for the rest of my life.我可不想把後半輩子全用在翻漢堡上。
5 . I don't want to be stuck here the rest of my life.我可不想一生都憋在這兒。
6 . They don't pay me enough for this.他們付我的薪水不夠高。
7 . My job offers no room for advancement.我的工作沒什麼發展前途。
8 . I can never get ahead at my job.我總是不能出人頭地。
9 . This job offers no opportunity for growth.這個工作沒什麼發展機會。
10 . I don't want a dead end job.我不想做沒有前途的工作。