I Do(我願意) ACT III英語對話,走遍美國,英語I Do(我願意) ACT III對白,I Do(我願意) ACT III英文怎麽說



I Do(我願意) ACT III用英語怎麽說


I Do(我願意) ACT III

1 . Do either of you have any reason兩位之中可有哪位因為某項原因

2 . any just cause why these two people任何正當理由說明這兩位

3 . All right, ladies and gentlemen.好啦, 女士們, 先生們。

4 . to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony.見證這位男士和這位女士的神聖婚盟。

5 . I think it's time for the wedding to begin.我想是婚禮可以開始的時候了。

6 . to be your lawful, wedded wife?做你合法的妻子嗎?

7 . to be your lawful, wedded husband?為你合法的丈夫嗎?

8 . The wedding ceremony is about to begin.婚禮就要開始了。

9 . Dearly beloved,敬愛的人們,

10 . we are gathered here today我們今天聚集在這,

11 . Then, Harry Bennett, do you take Susan Stewart那麼 ,Harry Bennett, 你願意接受Susan Stewart

12 . You may kiss the bride now, Harry.你可以吻新娘了, Harry。

13 . Please take your places.請大家就座。

14 . should not be legally joined in marriage?不該合法結婚的,

15 . By the power vested in me by the laws of the State of New York,憑著紐約州法律賦予我的權力,

16 . I now pronounce you husband and wife.我現在宣佈你們成為夫妻。

17 . Is there anyone present who can show在座可有人能提出

18 . OK, Jane. Start the music.好 ,Jane。音樂開始。

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