Unit 7 Canada英語對話,高二英語課文,英語Unit 7 Canada對白,Unit 7 Canada英文怎麽說



Unit 7 Canada用英語怎麽說


Unit 7 Canada

1 . I'm from Canada.我是加拿大人。

2 . That sounds strange.這聽起來很奇怪。

3 . Really? I thought you were from the States.真的嗎?我還以為你是美國人呢。

4 . But if you go to the eastern provinces, or go to some country areas.但是如果你到東部的一些省或到鄉下的一些地區去的話。

5 . Both! American spellings are used more and more in Canada now.兩種都用!現在在加拿大人們越來越多的採用美國拼法了。

6 . You mean it looks strange!你的意思是這看起來很奇怪吧!

7 . Many people think that Canadians all over the country speak the same way.許多人認為加拿大全國人的說法都相同。

8 . You'll notice that the people there speak quite differently from the rest of Canada.你就會注意到那裡的人的說法和加拿大其他地方的人的說法不一樣。

9 . A lot of people can't tell the difference between an American accent and a Canadian accent.許多人分不出美國口音和加拿大口音的差別。

10 . I'll tell you something that does sound strange.我還可以告訴你一件聽起來確實奇怪的事情。

11 . Are there many differences?它們有很大差別嗎?

12 . Oh! And do you use American or British spelling?噢!那你們是採用美國拼法還是英國拼法呢?

13 . No, just a few. For example, most Canadians say news [nju:z], but Americans say [nu:z]. We mainly use American words, but we use quite a lot of British words too. We fill our cars with gas, which is American, but we turn on the tap which is British En沒有,只有少數差別。例如,大多數加拿大人把news讀成(nju:z),但美國人卻讀成(nu:z)。我們主要使用美國英語詞,但是也使用很多英國英語詞彙。我們給汽車加「gas(汽油)」,這是美國英語,但是我們說開「tap(龍頭)」,這是英國英語。

14 . Generally speaking, newspapers follow the American way, but conference reports and schoolbooks use British spelling.一般地說,報紙採用美國英語的拼法,但是會議報告和教科書都採用英國英語的拼法。

15 . Where are you from?你是哪裡人?

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