1 . Good news, I hope.希望是好消息。
2 . I understand you want to increase your order.我知道你想增加訂購量。
3 . I just got an answer about the stock we have on hand.我剛剛接獲通知我們現有庫存量。
4 . Could you check it for me, please?請你查一下好嗎?
5 . We've got plenty.我們有不少。
6 . Good, I'll get an order to you right away.好極了,我立刻就下訂單給你。
7 . Boy, I'm really glad to hear that.哇,聽了真叫人高興。
8 . I'm not sure we have that much on hand.我沒把握現在的量有沒有那麼多。
9 . I checked our supply of that material you asked for.我查過了庫存中你要的那種材料。
10 . Sure, we can handle your order.嗯,你的訂單沒問題。
11 . Yes, we have to double it.是的,我們必需加倍。