Unit 3 A good teacher英語對話,初三英語課文,英語Unit 3 A good teacher對白,Unit 3 A good teacher英文怎麽說



Unit 3 A good teacher用英語怎麽說


Unit 3 A good teacher

1 . Later, we ate our picnic under some trees.後來,我們在樹下吃野餐。

2 . We visited the Great Wall. We went there by bus. We all took some food and drink with us.我們參觀了長城。我們是坐車去的。我們每人都自備一些食物和飲料。

3 . I really can't agree with you. I prefer science.我真的不能同意你的看法。我更喜歡自然科學。

4 . There was a big smile on her face.她臉上充滿笑容。

5 . I think Chinese is more popular than any other subject.我想語文比其他任何科目都更受歡迎。

6 . Yes, Miss Zhao. answered the students. Now, who is on duty today?「好的,趙小姐,」同學們回答。「今天誰值日?」


8 . I am, Miss Zhao, said Wei Hua. Today is Saturday, September 19th.「是我,趙小姐,」魏華說,「今天是9月19日,星期六。

9 . I'm afraid some people forgot to sweep the floor.它不如平時乾淨,恐怕是一些人忘記掃地了。

10 . I agree with you./ Maybe. But I prefer art.我同意你的意見。/也許是。但我更喜歡藝術。

11 . We had a long walk along the wall.我們沿著城牆走了很長一段路。

12 . Then we played some games.接著我們做遊戲。

13 . There was no excuse we have new brooms.你們沒有任何借口我們有新掃把。

14 . Yesterday morning she came into class as usual.昨天早上,她像往常那樣走進教室。

15 . Will you please sweep the floor and tidy the classroom every day?請你們每天都打掃地板、整理教室,好嗎?

16 . Well done, Wei Hua! Thank you, said Miss Zhao. I think it's time for us to start the lesson now.「說得很好,魏華!謝謝,」趙小姐說,「我想現在該是我們學習課文的時候了。」

17 . By the way, I came into this classroom last Saturday morning, and it was not as clean as usual.順便提一句,上星期六上午我來到這個教室時

18 . Class 3 did very well in the school sports meeting last week.「3班在上星期的校運會上表現很好。

19 . We had a very nice time.我們過得非常愉快。

20 . Everyone is at school today except LinTao.今天除了林濤,每一個人都到校了。

21 . I think foreign languages are more interesting than science.我想外語比自然科學更有趣。

22 . Miss Zhao is one of the most popular teachers in the school.趙小姐是學校裡最受歡迎的老師之一。

23 . The radio says that it may stop raining later.廣播說晚些時候雨可能會停。」

24 . Luckily the weather was not so wet as it is today.幸運的是,那天的天氣不像今天這樣有雨。

25 . Congratulations! The girls did very well, too.祝賀你們!女同學也做得很好。

26 . Last Sunday we had a picnic.上星期天我們去效游。

27 . I was very glad when the boys won the relay race.我非常高興,男同學在接力賽中獲勝。

28 . Well done, everyone! she smiled.「你們個個表現出色!」她笑了

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