1 . Did you note the damage on the bill of lading?你把損壞情形註明在提貨憑單上了沒?
2 . We'll look into it right away for you.我們會立刻調查清楚。
3 . I'd say about half of the shipment is unusable.我看大概有一半的貨不能用了。
4 . We don't think we can use any of it at all.我看都不能用了。
5 . Was the damage extensive?壞得很多、很嚴重嗎?
6 . One packing case was crushed.有一個箱子全壓壞了。
7 . Was all the material in that case destroyed?箱裡的東西都毀了嗎?
8 . We had a damaged shipment from you.你們送來的貨有損壞。
9 . Yes, may I help you?有什麼事嗎?
10 . How bad was the damage.損壞情況如何?
11 . Good, we'll be expecting him.好,我們等著他。
12 . We'll send a man right out to look at it.我們馬上會派個人去查看。