1 . At the same price?價錢一樣嗎?
2 . We're going to substitute a better item for number 3.我們將以品質較好的來代替三號產品。
3 . That about wraps it all up.一切差不多都結束了。
4 . We need these things right away.這此東西我們馬上就要。
5 . How's the order coming along?我們訂的貨怎樣呢?
6 . All we have to do is sign the contract.剩下的只要簽訂個契約就行了。
7 . We can do that at the meeting tomorrow.我們明天開會時再簽訂吧。
8 . Good, we can do that right away.好的,立刻就辦。
9 . If you have blue ones, send those.如果有藍色的,就送藍色的來吧。
10 . We're out of the red adapters.紅色的接頭沒貨了。