第 21 部分英語對話,常用商務口語,英語第 21 部分對白,第 21 部分英文怎麽說



第 21 部分用英語怎麽說


第 21 部分

1 . Anything else you want to bring up for discussion.你還有什麼問題要提出來供雙方討論的嗎?

2 . It is our permanent principle that contracts are honored and commercial integrity is maintained.重合同、守信用是我們的一貫原則。

3 . I hope this will lead to further business between us.我希望這次交易將使我們之間的貿易得到進一步發展。

4 . The contract contains basically all we have agreed upon during our negotiations.這個合同基本上囊括了所有我們在談判中所達成協議。

5 . I don't want to imply that every point in this contract is negotiable.不用我說,該合同中的每一條都要嚴格執行的,沒有討價還價的餘地。

6 . I hope no questions about the terms.我看合同的條款沒有什麼問題了。

7 . We agree to insert a clause giving you a ten-day grace period.我們同意給你加上一條10天寬限期的條款。

8 . I'm glad our negotiation has come to a successful conclusion.我很高興這次洽談圓滿成功。

9 . When the grace peroid expires, the contract is annulled.當這個寬限期屆滿,你仍未執行合同的話,該合同就終止了。

10 . We'll sign two originals, each in Chinese and English language.我們將要用中文和英語分別簽署兩份原件。

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