談運輸英語對話,瘋狂英語 900 句,英語談運輸對白,談運輸英文怎麽說




瘋狂英語 900 句


1 . I want to take a flight to New York tomorrow.我想明天坐飛機到紐約。

2 . A taxi can get you there in less than five minutes.乘坐的士到那兒不用5分鐘。

3 . You'll need to hurry up, or you'll miss the train.你得快點,否則趕不上火車。

4 . Public transportation is quite convenient in this city.在這個城市裡,公共交通很方便。

5 . Subway transportation is very advanced in Longdon.倫敦地地鐵非常先進。

6 . If you want to go sightseeing, a ferry trip is usually pretty cheap.如果你想觀光,坐船通常是比較便宜的。

7 . It's too crowded in the bus. I think I'll have to get off to walk the rest of the way home.車上太擠了,我想剩下的路我必需下車走路回家。

8 . The expressway can lead you everywhere around this region.高速公路能把你帶到這個地區的任何地方。

9 . The traffic's bumper to bumper, it must be rush hour.車一輛接著一輛,現在肯定是交通高峰期。

10 . He has to drive for twenty minutes to get from his house to his office.從他的家到他的辦公室有20分鐘的車程。

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瘋狂英語 900 句