





1 . Of course. But it's still best to attempt to settle disputes without invoking arbitration.當然。不過,最好還是不通過仲裁來解決爭議。

2 . With some of our stuff?與我們的東西有關?

3 . Considering the friendly relation between us,鑒於我們之間的友好關係,

4 . You know, the goods were inspected by the Commodities Inspection Office before shipment.你知道,這批貨物在裝船前是經過商品檢驗局檢驗的。

5 . How do you find the answers?你覺得這些答覆如何?

6 . We haven't had any complaint of this kind. Is there any evidence.我們還從未聽過這樣的抱怨。有什麼證據呢?

7 . Have you got any proofs?你們有證據嗎?

8 . Claim concerning transportation should be referred to the shiping company.涉及運輸問題,應當向船運公司提出索賠。

9 . Do you have any evidence?你有什麼證據?

10 . If it is caused by the transportation?如果是由運輸造成的呢?

11 . How's that?怎麼是這樣?

12 . They concluded that the goods were of good quality and proved no problem.他們斷定貨物質地優良,並證明沒有任何問題。

13 . Yes. Here's the survey report issued by the Health Office, which is absolutely reliable.有。這是由衛生檢疫所簽發的檢驗報告,它是絕對可靠的。

14 . If negotiaton fails, then what?萬一談判破裂,怎麼辦?

15 . When no settlement can be reached, the disputes shall be submitted for arbitration.如果協商得不到解決,應將爭議提交仲裁。

16 . Otherwise, they'll not be considered.否則不予受理。

17 . First you must find out the clause of the quality problems and furnish sufficient evidence.首先你的查查有關質量問題的條款,並提供足夠的證據。

18 . we're prepared to meet your claim for the loss according to the contract.我們準備按合同賠償貴方的損失。

19 . Yes. They reached us yesterday.是的,昨天我們收到這批貨物。

20 . Would you please account for these problems?請你談談這些問題,好嗎?

21 . What's the deadline for claim?索賠的有效期多長?

22 . Please tell me about it right way.請立即告訴我是什麼。

23 . Generally speaking, we hold all disputes should be settled through friendly negatiations.一般來說,我們主張所有爭論通過友好協商解決。

24 . About the quality of 500 cartons of tin food we ordered last time.是關於我們上次定購的500箱罐頭食品的質量問題。

25 . Claims, if any, must be made within 30 days after the arrival of the goods.索賠必須在貨物抵達目的地後30天內提出。

26 . I'd like to talk with you about something troublesome.我想同你談點麻煩事。

27 . Anything particular you want to know? Let me hear about it.有什麼特別問題你需要瞭解嗎?說來讓我聽聽。

28 . What's the nature of the problem?是什麼樣的問題?

29 . If the problem is in the goods itself, you may make a claim on the supplier.如果問題在貨物本身,你可以向供貨方提出索賠。

30 . But we found nearly half on them were mouldy. We can't accept them anyway.但是我們發現差不多一半發了霉。無論如何我們不能接受。

31 . Are all the answers here to your satisfaction?這裡所有的答覆都令您滿意嗎?

32 . That's right. What should we do when we find a shortage in the shipment?這很對。要是我們發現貨物短缺,該怎麼辦?

33 . It's beyond my comprehension!真不可思議!

34 . Any trouble with them?有什麼問題?

35 . The arbitration decision shall be final and binding on both parties.仲裁裁決是最終的,對雙方均有約束。

36 . I'm not quite familiar with the claim and arbitration in international trade.我對國際貿易的索賠與仲裁不夠熟悉。

37 . Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter.謝謝你們對此事的理解和合作。

38 . Please give me a general view first, will you?首先,請給我一個大概的介紹,行嗎?

39 . I guess they must have inspected only part of the goods, but not the whole.我猜想,他們檢查的只是部分貨物,而不是全部。

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