Unit 24 What do you have to do英語對話,初二英語課文,英語Unit 24 What do you have to do對白,Unit 24 What do you have to do英文怎麽說



Unit 24 What do you have to do用英語怎麽說


Unit 24 What do you have to do

1 . The answer is easy! said the doctor.「答案很簡單!」醫生說。

2 . The doctor looked over Mrs Brown very carefully.醫生非常仔細地給布朗夫人作了檢查。

3 . Is he coming later?他晚些時候會來嗎?

4 . You're eating too much!你吃得太多!

5 . Thank you, doctor, said Mrs. Brown.「謝謝你,醫生,」布朗夫人說。

6 . Oh, I have to wash all my clothes, clean the floor, and keep everything clean and tidy.噢,我得洗我的全部衣服,擦地板和保持每樣東西清潔、整齊。

7 . What do I have to do if I want to be thinner?如果我想瘦一點的話,我得怎麼做呢?」

8 . she has to help with the washing.她得幫忙洗衣服。

9 . At last she said:There's nothing much wrong with you, but I'm afraid you have a problem.「你沒有什麼大毛病,不過,恐怕你有個問題。

10 . I'm not sure. I think he may have to help his Dad in the garden.我不清楚。我想可能他得幫助他爸爸在花園裡幹活。

11 . He 'll come if he can.如果可能,他會來的。

12 . I mean you eat too much food, but you don't take enough exercise, said the doctor.「我的意思是你吃得太多,但運動不夠,」醫生說。

13 . No! You don't understand! Not before or after meals--instead of them.「不是,你沒聽懂!不是飯前或飯後吃--而是代替三餐飯。」

14 . Oh! Do you have to?噢!必須收拾嗎?

15 . Doctor, I'm not feeling well, she said. I often feel tired.「醫生,我感到不舒服,」她說,「我經常感到疲倦」。

16 . I have to wash all the plates and things after meals, and do a lot of work in the garden.飯後我得洗全部盤子和其他東西,還要在花園裡干很多活。

17 . What can I eat? asked Mrs Brown.「吃什麼才行呢?」布朗夫人問。

18 . What do you have to do round the house when you're at home?你在家時得做些什麼家務事?

19 . If you want to be thinner and healthier, you have to eat less food--and you also have to take more exercise.「如果你想瘦些、健康些,你就得少吃一點--你還得多運動。」

20 . He can't make it today. He has to stay at home.他今天不行了。他得呆在家裡。

21 . Oh well, we'll have to ask Zhang Li instead.噢,好吧,我們得去請張理頂替了。

22 . She can't come. She has to help her Mommy!她不能來。她得幫她媽媽的忙!

23 . Oh dear! You mean I'm too fat? That is a problem! said Mrs Brown.「天哪!你的意思是說我太胖了吧?這是個問題!」布朗夫人說

24 . If I work in the garden, I have to sit down and rest every five minutes.如果我在花園裡幹活,每5分鐘就得坐下來休息。

25 . No problem! Tell me, do I have to take them before or after meals?「那不難!告訴我,我是在飯前還是飯後吃呢?」

26 . Is she coming later?她晚些時候會來嗎?

27 . Yes, I'm afraid I do.I may come later.是的,恐怕我必須做。我可以晚一點去。

28 . If you do that, you'll soon feel much healthier.如果你那樣做,很快你就會感到身體健康得多。

29 . I don't understand! What do you mean? asked Mrs Brown.「我不懂!你說的是什麼意思?」布朗夫人問道。

30 . Sorry, I can't. I have to tidy my room.對不起,我不能去。我得收拾房間。

31 . Hi, Jim! Can you come and play football?你好,吉姆!你能來踢足球嗎?

32 . She'll come if she can.如果可能的話,她會來的。

33 . Where's Meimei?梅梅在哪裡?

34 . Where's Li Lei?李磊在哪裡?

35 . Every day you can have one apple, one orange, one piece of dry bread, and a glass of water.你每天可以吃一個蘋果,一個桔子,一塊麵包,還有一杯水。

36 . Oh well, let's ask Wei Hua instead!噢,好吧,讓我們去請韋華吧!

37 . Mrs Brown went to see her doctor.布朗太太去醫生那裡看病。

38 . What does she have to do?她得做什麼?

39 . Before? After? said the doctor.「飯前?飯後?」醫生說。

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