Unit 26 A good doctor英語對話,初二英語課文,英語Unit 26 A good doctor對白,Unit 26 A good doctor英文怎麽說



Unit 26 A good doctor用英語怎麽說


Unit 26 A good doctor

1 . He could not wash himself or get dressed.Instead, his sister or his parents had to help him.他自己不能洗澡或穿衣服,他的姐姐或父母親就只好幫他的忙。

2 . Then they had a second child-a son. How happy they were!後來他們有了第2個孩子一個兒子。他們多麼高興啊!

3 . James grew bigger every day.詹姆斯一天天長大。

4 . The Shute family lived in the southern part of the USA.舒特一家住在美國南部。

5 . Look at this photo of Lily.看莉莉的這張照片。

6 . Just one small operation? Yes, yes. Do it, doctor!只是一個小手術?「好的,好的。給他做吧,醫生!」

7 . I'm poor, but I always enjoy myself! he said. I don't know why!「我很窮,但我總是過得很愉快!」他說,「我不懂為什麼!」

8 . Oh! She's falling off her bike. I hope she didn't hurt herself.噢!她正從自己的自行車上跌落下來。我希望她沒有摔傷。

9 . Nobody! She taught herself.沒有人(教)!她是自學的。

10 . I didn't know she could swim. Who taught her?我不知道她會游泳。誰教她的?

11 . Mr Shute was a farm worker, and he didn't have much money.舒特先生是個農場工人,他掙不到很多錢。

12 . Yes, please.好的,來點兒吧。

13 . Don't forget anything.別忘了什麼東西。

14 . His parents did not know what was wrong.他的父母親不知道他有什麼毛病。

15 . They called him James and loved him very much.他們為他取名詹姆斯,他們非常愛他。

16 . Would you like a drink ?你們想喝點什麼嗎?

17 . But there was something wrong with the child.但是,這孩子有點毛病。

18 . Thanks. I think we have everything. Thank you for having us.多謝。我想我們沒忘記什麼東西。

19 . Well, I'm afraid we have to go now.哦,恐怕我們現在得走了。

20 . Yes, I'm afraid so. It's getting late, and we have to be up early in the morning.恐怕是這樣。天漸漸變晚了。清晨我們得早起。

21 . Did she learn all by herself? How clever.她全是自己學會的嗎?多麼聰明啊!

22 . Can we do anything to help?用我們幫忙嗎?

23 . The doctor found that there was something wrong with James' eyes.醫生發現詹姆斯的眼睛有毛病。

24 . I'll get you some tea now.我這就給你們端茶水來。

25 . So one day they took him to a doctor.於是有一天他們帶他去看醫生。

26 . Oh, do you have to?噢,你們一定得走嗎?

27 . And then, James could see! How happy everyone was!緊接著,詹姆斯能看見了!大家多麼高興啊!

28 . he said. But I don't have many friends, and I don't enjoy myself very much. I don't know why!他說,「但是我沒有很多朋友,我過得不很愉快。我不懂為什麼!」

29 . The doctor looked over James and asked the Shutes many questions.醫生給詹姆斯作了檢查並問了舒特家人許多問題。

30 . Look at Mr Fat. He was very rich. He had lots of money.瞧胖先生。他很富。他有很多錢。

31 . One day, the Shutes heard that there was a good doctor in a town not far away.有一天,舒特家人聽說不遠的鎮上有一位好醫生。

32 . The doctor said he could do nothing to help him.醫生說他對此無能為力。

33 . He did everything very slowly.他做什麼都很慢。

34 . Here's another photo of Lily. Look! She's swimming very well.這兒有莉莉的另一張照片。看!她正在游泳,游得非常好。

35 . No, she didn't hurt herself. She was all right.沒有,她沒有摔傷。她沒事。

36 . No, thanks. Help yourselves to the cakes.不必,謝謝。請隨便吃些糕點吧。

37 . An American Boy一個美國男孩

38 . So he couldn't buy himself lots of good things. But he had lots of friends instead.所以他不能給自己買很多好東西。可是他卻有許多朋友。

39 . He could not see anything.他看不見任何東西。

40 . Mr and Mrs Shute were very sad. But what could they do?舒特先生和夫人非常難過。但他們有什麼辦法呢?

41 . We enjoyed ourselves very much!謝謝你邀請我們作客。我們過得非常愉快!

42 . Look at Mr Thin. He was poor. He didn't have much money.瞧瘦先生。他很窮。他沒有很多錢。

43 . He was very healthy and happy, but he could not look after himself.他很健康,非常歡快。但不能照料自己。

44 . I'm rich, so I can buy myself lots of good things!「我很富,所以我能給自己買許許多多的好東西!」

45 . Maybe he could help James. So they took the boy to visit him.也許他能給詹姆斯治病。於是他們帶著詹姆斯去找他。

46 . At last he said,I think I can help him. He'll be OK if I do one small operation.「我想我能治他的病。只要我給他做一個小手術,他就會好的。」

47 . .Mr and Mrs Shute had a daughter called Jane.舒特先生和夫人有一個女兒,名叫簡。

48 . It was a pleasure. Bye!不客氣。再見!

49 . One minute……two minutes……three……four……ten minutes。 1分鐘……2分鐘……3……4……10分鐘。

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