A Real Stewart(一個真正的Stewart家的後代) ACT I英語對話,走遍美國,英語A Real Stewart(一個真正的Stewart家的後代) ACT I對白,A Real Stewart(一個真正的Stewart家的後代) ACT I英文怎麽說



A Real Stewart(一個真正的Stewart家的後代) ACT I用英語怎麽說


A Real Stewart(一個真正的Stewart家的後代) ACT I

1 . Your first great-grandchild.你的第一個曾孫。

2 . Welcome home, Max.歡迎你回家來, Max 。

3 . Isn't he just adorable?他真是太可愛了!

4 . Oh! Oh, quickly! Go, go, go!噢, 噢, 趕快 !走 ,走,走!

5 . And Harry, too?也喜歡Harry 是嗎?

6 . Uh, it's four-thirty. Oh my!啊 ,已經四點半了。啊 ,天啦!

7 . Just imagine--Marilyn and Richard must be thrilled!想像得出 Marilyn和Richard一定樂壞了!

8 . Michelle is a lot like Harry in so many ways. Michelle在許多方面很像Harry。

9 . Is that tall or average or what?這樣尺寸是高呢, 還是普通, 或者算怎樣?

10 . He looks a lot like you, Mom. He does.他像你, 媽媽。他像 。

11 . Oh, it's a sweet-sounding name for a sweet little boy.噢, 好一個甜美悅耳的名字 ,配個甜美的小孩。

12 . Twenty-one inches.二十一英尺。

13 . Marilyn and Richard will be home from the hospital any minute,Marilyn和Richard隨時都會從醫院回來,

14 . Well, children usually resemble their parents.嗯, 孩子總是像父母的。

15 . Tall. All the Stewart men are tall.高。 Stewart家的男人都高。

16 . They can keep a record of all of the important dates他們可以記錄下重要的日子。

17 . No, just Max. I like that.沒有, 就是Max。我喜歡這樣。

18 . A real Stewart.一個真正的Stewart家後代。

19 . There's nothing more joyous than the arrival of a new baby.沒有任何事能比新生兒的到來更令人喜悅的了。

20 . It's crowded in here.這裡太擠了。

21 . You make me feel so proud to be part of our family.你讓我以成為我們家庭的一員而自豪。

22 . Uh, it must mean something.噢 ,這很有意思。

23 . Richard says Max is twenty-one inches long. Richard說Max是二十一英尺長。

24 . and I guess he looks a lot like me.我看也蠻像我。

25 . The baby even looks at you like Richard does.這嬰兒看你的時候也像Richard那樣。

26 . Where will we put all the presents?我們把這些禮物放在哪裡?

27 . Speaking of mother and of father談到孩子的爸, 孩子的媽,

28 . That's nice. Length. Length?太好了。身高 ,多高?

29 . Oh, a new baby!噢, 一個新生兒!

30 . Another generation to carry on the Stewart name.這是承繼Stewart家族香火的新一代。

31 . Oh, he's got Richard's eyes, though.噢 ,他的眼睛跟Richard的像極了。

32 . I'm so happy to be home with my family--and with Max.我真高興回到家裡 和大家在一起, 還有和Max在一起。

33 . And Max has your initials, Grandpa: M.S.Max的名字開頭字母與你的一樣 ,爺爺 ,都是M.S.。

34 . that's because you're so much like us--wonderful!那是因為你太像我們了, 太好了!

35 . Oh, let her in.噢, 讓她進來。

36 . Wait with your pictures for a second.先別忙著你的攝影。

37 . and information about Max's life here.關於Max在這裡的生活。

38 . He's always made me feel like his own daughter.他總是讓我覺得我是他的親生女兒。

39 . No middle name. No middle initial.沒有中間的名字。沒有中間的字母。

40 . Yes. I'm very fond of her.是的。我很喜歡她。

41 . Well, Grandpa, you're about five-nine or five-ten.嗯, 爺爺。你大概是五英尺九或者五英尺十。

42 . Isn't it exciting, Grandpa?真令人興奮, 是嗎, 爺爺?

43 . One day, you'll have your own family,總有一天,你會有你自己的家,

44 . You were big, just like Max.很大, 像Max一樣。

45 . Do you think so?真的這麼認為?

46 . This will make a nice gift for Marilyn and Richard.這是給Richard和Marilyn的一件好禮物。

47 . Does he have a middle name?他有中間名字嗎?

48 . Max looks just like Grandpa.Max長得真像爺爺。

49 . Let's see. Oh, welcome home.讓我看看。噢, 歡迎回家來。

50 . Like me. I'm Malcolm Stewart.像我一樣。我叫Malcolm Stewart。

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