Unit 1 Disneyland英語對話,高二英語課文,英語Unit 1 Disneyland對白,Unit 1 Disneyland英文怎麽說



Unit 1 Disneyland用英語怎麽說


Unit 1 Disneyland

1 . It's about four hundred yards down this street.城堡就在這條街上,(離這兒)400碼左右。

2 . Yes. Go straight ahead till you see the entrance.可以。一直往前走,直到入口處。

3 . Just take this street round to the right of the castle.走這條路,拐個彎就到了城堡的右側。

4 . Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the Sleeping Beauty Castle?勞駕,你能告訴我到睡美人城的路嗎?

5 . Excuse me. How can I get to Bear Country?對不起,到熊國怎麼走?

6 . The Tomorrow Land Building?你問未來世界大廈?

7 . Excuse me. Are the hourse-drawn streetcars free?對不起,這些馬車是免費乘坐的嗎?

8 . Excuse me, please. Where's the nearest men's room?勞駕,離這兒最近的男廁所在哪兒?

9 . It's behind the Sleeping Beauty Castle.它在睡美人城堡的後面。

10 . Then you'll see the sign for the rest rooms.你就可以看到廁所的牌子了。

11 . Where's the Tomorrow Land Building?未來世界大廈在哪兒?

12 . Do you see the big gate over there?你看見那邊的大門了嗎?

13 . Yes, they're free. But there's usually a long line.是的,免費。但常常要排長隊。

14 . It's about 400 yards from here.離這兒大約有400碼。

15 . Go through the gate and you'll find the entrance to Bear Country on the other side.穿過大門,你就可以在門那邊找到通往熊國的入口了。

16 . You can join the line behind the clock tower.你可以到鐘樓後面排隊。

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