1 . That's incredible!簡直難以相信!
2 . Does it really look OK?看上去真的不錯嗎?
3 . That's amazing! I t sure looks expensive.真想不到!看上去肯定以為很貴。
4 . I like your new coat.我喜歡你的新外套。
5 . Do you really like it?你真的喜歡嗎?
6 . Yes,and I like the color too.It matches your hat.是的,我也喜歡這顏色。和你的帽子很相配。
7 . That's a very nice jacket.這件茄克衫真漂亮呀!
8 . You won't believe it,but it was really cheap.你不會相信的,但這條褲子確實很便宜。
9 . And I got it on sale.我在大減價時買的。
10 . I wish I could find one just like it.要是我也能碰到這樣一件就好了。
11 . Yes.It looks terrific!很合身,看上去好極了。
12 . What a beautiful sweater!多漂亮的毛衣!
13 . Yes,and it goes beautifully with your pants.好看,配上你的這條褲子美極了。
14 . Do you think it looks good on me?你看我穿著好看嗎?
15 . It wasn't very expensive either.而且也不太貴。
16 . Do you think it fits OK?你看合身嗎?
17 . You were lucky to find it.你的運氣真好。
18 . I love that shirt.我喜歡這件襯衫。
19 . Yes,it fits perfectly.是的,合身極了。
20 . I bought it at half price.我花了半價買來的。