瘋狂英語 900 句
1 . His father has to sell the farm to pay back the bank.他的父親不得不把家聲賣掉以還債給銀行。
2 . The rural workforce has been flowing in to the cities ever since the open door policy was adopted.自從改革開放政策實施以來,農付勞動力正不斷流向城市。
3 . Workers have to work very hard to keep bread on the table.工人得十分努力工作才能賺錢餬口。
4 . There's a long way to go in reviving the countr's economy.這個國家的經濟復甦還有很長一段路要走。
5 . The economy is booming in this country.這個國家的經濟形勢一片大好。
6 . The performance of the stock market can reflect economic conditions.證券市場的表現能反應經濟狀況。
7 . It will take a few years for the region to recover economically.這個地區的經濟恢復得花幾年的時間。
8 . The government has adopted many measures to promote its economy.政府採取了許多措施來發展經濟。
9 . Macro adjustment is needed in a market economy.市場經濟需要寵觀調控。
10 . The global economy helps make the world smaller and smaller.在全球經濟的推動上,世界變得越來越小。