Unit 13 Einstein英語對話,高二英語課文,英語Unit 13 Einstein對白,Unit 13 Einstein英文怎麽說



Unit 13 Einstein用英語怎麽說


Unit 13 Einstein

1 . He was a famous professor of physics.他是一位著名的物理教授。

2 . I'm trying to find the name of a famous person.我在設法找到一位著名人物的名字。

3 . He wrote books about communism. He said that all communists should help each other.他寫了不少關於共產主義的著作。他說所有的共產黨人都應該互相幫助。

4 . I'm doing a word puzzle in this newspaper.我在猜報紙上的字謎。

5 . Is it Albert Einstein?是阿爾伯特·愛因斯坦嗎?

6 . What did he do?他是幹什麼的?

7 . No, it's not him.不對,也不是他。

8 . Is it Karl Marx?是卡爾·馬克思嗎?

9 . That fits the puzzle! It must be him!這符合謎底,肯定是他。

10 . Is it Abraham Lincoln?是亞伯拉罕·林肯嗎?

11 . No, it's not him.不對,也不是他。

12 . What did he do?他是幹什麼的?

13 . Can you help me?你可以幫幫我嗎?

14 . Is it Alexander Bell?是亞歷山大·貝爾嗎?

15 . The American president who fought for the freedom of slaves in the USA.為美國奴隸的自由而戰的美國總統。

16 . He made the first telephone.他發明了第一部電話。

17 . He lived in this century, was born in Germany and spent the last part of his life in the USA.他生活在本世紀,出生於德國,在美國度過了他的晚年。

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