英文諺語 3120 句(二)
第 292 部分
1 . What is not wisdom is danger.不智的事是危險的。
2 . What is one man's cloud is another man's sunshine.此人烏雲蓋頂,彼人艷陽滿天。
3 . What is bred in the bone will not go out of the flesh.生於骨中者不會出肉外。
4 . What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.適用於甲的,也適用於乙。
5 . What is lost in the hundred will be found in the shire.在區裡失去的可在州里找回來。
6 . What is done by night appears by day.若要人不知,除非己莫為。
7 . What is learned in the cradle lasts till the grave.嬰孩時期學到的東西,老死不會忘記。
8 . What is known to three is known to everybody.一件事情三個人知道就人人知道。
9 . What is learnt in the cradle lasts (or is carried) to the grave.小時學會的事情到老不會忘記。