Unit 18 Mainly Revision
1 . I don't want to know what it's been; I want to know what it is now.我不想知道它曾經是什麼;我想知道它現在是什麼。
2 . No, sir, I always walk this way.不,先生,我一直是這樣走路的呀!
3 . Here are some more Waiter-and- Customer jokes.這裡有一些「服務員與顧客之間」的笑話。
4 . How did you find the fish, Madam?你覺得魚的味道怎麼樣,女士?
5 . Quite by accident. I moved a few peas and there it was.很偶然。我挪了幾顆青豆就發現了。
6 . What's wrong with these eggs?這些蛋是怎麼回事呀?
7 . What's that fly doing in my soup?我湯裡的這只蒼蠅在幹什麼呢?
8 . Don't ask me, sir. I only laid the table.別問我,先生。我只是擺桌子。
9 . Have you got chicken's legs?你有雞腿嗎?
10 . Waiter. Will the pancakes be long?服務員,煎餅要很久才做好嗎?
11 . No, sir. Round.不,先生,圓的。
12 . See if you can find out what the joke is.看你是否能找出其好笑在何處。
13 . Swimming, I think.我想是在游泳吧。