瘋狂英語 900 句
1 . You have to appreciate the work that has gone into this piece of art.你不得不佩服他為完成這件作品所傾注的心血。
2 . I can't understand modern art, to me it look like rubbish.我不能理解現代藝術,對於我來說,那些東西簡直就是垃圾。
3 . Art is for enjoying, it shouldn't be wasted.藝術是用業觀賞的,不能糟踢它。
4 . Her latest work is a masterpiece.她是了新的作品是一件傑作。
5 . All I need is some paint and a canvas, and I'm happy.我只想要一些顏料和畫布,這樣我就會很滿足。
6 . They're both students of the performing arts.他們兩個都是的搞表演藝術的學生。
7 . My home is a work of art.我家就是一件藝術品。
8 . What a stunning work of art.多麼棒的一件藝術作品啊!
9 . I didn't like the film, it was too arty.我不喜歡這部電影,藝術味太濃。
10 . You're quite the artist!你還真像個藝術家。