1 . Please have the porter bring my bags up.請讓搬運工把我的箱子搬到樓上去。
2 . When is check-out time?什麼時候必須結帳和離開賓館?
3 . Do you have a room with a view?你們有可欣賞到風景的房間嗎?
4 . I would like to check-out now.我現在就想結賬離開。
5 . Is room service available?有房間服務嗎?
6 . Please give me a wake up call at 7:30 am tomorrow.請在明早七點半叫醒我。
7 . I would like a single room.我想要一個單人間。
8 . How much is a room per night?一個房間每晚多少錢?
9 . I would like a room on the 5th floor.我想在五樓要一個房間。
10 . I would prefer a non-smoking room.我想要一間不許吸煙的房間。