Unit 20 Gandhi英語對話,高三英語課文,英語Unit 20 Gandhi對白,Unit 20 Gandhi英文怎麽說



Unit 20 Gandhi用英語怎麽說


Unit 20 Gandhi

1 . He believed that everyone should be prepared to do heavy work, from the leaders to the poorest peasants.他認為從領袖到最窮苦的農民,每個人都該樂於從事重體力勞動。

2 . Finally, as a result of the unrest among the Indian population, the leader of South Africa had to give in.但由於印度居民中的這一場騷亂,最終,南非首腦不得不屈服。

3 . He ate simply, and never ate meat. He rose early in the morning and worked at his wheel, making cotton thread.他吃得很簡單,且從不吃肉。他每天早晨早早就起床,轉動紡車,紡棉紗。

4 . Following this, 60,000 Indians,including Gandhi, were put in prison.在這之後,60,000印度人,包括甘地,都被關進監獄。

5 . Perhaps his greatest belief was in an Indian phrase which he called the force of truth.也許他最大的信仰就在他稱之為真理的力理"這一印度雋語裡。

6 . The speaker was Albert Einstein.這位演講者就是阿爾伯特·愛因斯坦。

7 . He encouraged Indians to start making their own cotton cloth and to refuse to buy cloth made in England.他鼓勵印度人民自己著手紡紗織布,並拒絕購買英國紡織的棉布。

8 . In the end this political movement succeeded and Indians were allowed to make and sell salt.但最終這場政治運動以印度人獲准生產與銷售鹽而告成功。

9 . The Indians declared that this Pass Law was unfair. Some of them publicly burnt their permits and many of them were put in prison.印度人宣稱,這個通行證法領"是不公平的,他們當中一些人公開把自己的許可證燒燬了,很多人也因此而被關進監獄。

10 . Because of his actions, all Hindus were finally free to draw water from the same village well, to go to the same temple to pray and even marry each other.由於他的行動,所有的印度人均可自由地從同一個村井打水,去相同的寺廟做祈禱,甚至還可相互通婚。

11 . Finally, India won her independence on August 15th, 1947, but Gandhi himself was shot five months later by an Indian who opposed his views.印度終於在1947年8月15日獲得獨立,但甘地本人卻在5個月後被一個反對他的觀點的印度人槍殺。

12 . One day a week he would spend the whole day in silence.每週有一天他是在沉默無語中度過的。

13 . He was called Bapu, meaning father - because he was the father of the Indian nation of the twentieth century.他被人們稱為巴普,意國是父親--因為他是20世紀的印度民族之父。

14 . All his life he reached out for the truths of spirits and gods.他的一生都在追求神靈的真諦。

15 . He felt free to talk about his failures or his difficulties.他可以隨便談論自己的失敗或困境。

16 . He became a supporter of the poorest group in society, who did the lowest-paid jobs.他成為社會中那些從事工資最低的工作的,最窮種姓的支持者。

17 . He quickly became the leader.他很快就成了領袖。

18 . Gandhi was much more than a clever lawyer, a fine speaker, a determined fighter for human rights and a political leader.甘地遠不只是一位聰明的律師,優秀的演說家,堅定的人權戰士與政治領導人。

19 . For twenty years Gandhi played an important role in working for equal rights for Indians.二十多年間,甘地在為印度人民爭取平等權利的奮頭中發揮了很重要的作用。

20 . He died on January 30th, 1948.他於1948年1月30日逝世。

21 . At that time only the British government had the right to sell salt, which was taxed, so Gandhi encouraged the whole nation to make their own salt.那時,只有英國政府有權出售鹽,而且鹽是要徵稅的。於是甘地鼓勵所有的國民自己生產鹽。

22 . In cities he refused to travel in a rickshaw, a two-wheeled cart pulled by a bare-footed man.在城裡,他拒絕乘坐那種赤腳車伕拉的兩輪人力車。

23 . Gandhi returned to India in 1915 and was honoured as a hero.甘地於1915年回到印度時,被推崇為英雄。

24 . He was so shocked by this lack of equality and fairness that he formed an organization leading the Indians' struggle for equal rights.不平等與不公正使他如此震驚,他因此創辦了一個領導印度人為爭取平等權利而鬥爭的組織。

25 . Gandhi hated the custom that had divided Hindu society into separate groups for thousands of years and his goal was to end this.甘地痛恨那種幾千年來把印度社會分成種姓的習慣,而他的目的就是要結束這種局面。

26 . Because of his revolutionary views, he spent many years in prison.由於他的革命觀點,他在監獄裡度過了許多年。

27 . Finally, he demanded an end to the British rule over India and independence for his country.最後,他要求結束英國對印度的統治,為他的祖國爭取獨立。

28 . At the time of his death, one person praised him as follows: Future generations, it may be, will hardly believe that such a person as this walked upon this earth.未來的幾代人有可能難以相信,在這個世間曾經有這樣的一個人行走過。"

29 . Other Indians were killed when police officers fiercely attacked their political marches.警察官員們猛烈攻擊印度人的政治遊行時,另一些印度人被殺害。

30 . Before he returned to India, he decided to live as a poor man and not to possess wealth.在回印度之前,他已決心過窮人一樣的生活,不佔有財富。

31 . Many other struggles followed.接著還爆發了很多其他鬥爭。

32 . He was a model of a different kind of political leader.他還是一個與從不同的政治領袖的典範。

33 . He read many books and paused in his work at six every evening for prayers, even when he was with other world leaders.他閱讀很多的書,每天傍晚六點鐘,他就要暫時停下工作去做祈禱,甚至與世界上別的領袖在一起時也這樣。

34 . This experience was to change his life.這一經歷後來改變了他的生活。

35 . Gandhi was thrown off a train and later a mail bus for insisting on travelling in the whites-only section.旅行時,甘地因為堅持要坐白人座位,曾經先後兩次被從一列火車與一輛郵車裡扔出來。

36 . If an unfair law existed, - and there were many that had been passed by the British rulers in India and South Africa - it was the duty of everyone to disobey this law, but without using violence.如果存在一個不公平的法律--而且在印度與南非的英國統治者已經通過了許多這樣的法律--那麼不遵守這一法律是每個人的責任,但不要使用暴力。

37 . Gandhi believed that one should be able to love the most ordinary being on earth as oneself.甘地認為一個人應能像愛他自己一樣去愛世界上最普通的人。

38 . Gandhi won his first non-violent struggle against racial discrimination.甘地贏得了第一次反種族歧視的非暴力鬥爭的勝利。

39 . On his return to India he had the chance to travel to South Africa to work on a law case.一回到印度,他就得到一個去南非辦理一樁法律案件的機會。

40 . A further million watched as the fire, following Indian custom, turned his body to ashes.數百萬人注視著緩慢的送葬隊伍抬著他的遺體通過首都。還有上百萬人看著將他的遺體按印度習慣火化成骨灰。

41 . Mohandas Gandhi was born in India in 1869 and was married at the age of 13, following local custom.莫漢達斯·甘地1869年出生於印度,按照當地的風俗,他13歲時就結了婚。

42 . All the Indins over the age of 8 had to carry their permits at all times.所有8歲以上的印度人無論什麼時候都得攜帶許可證。

43 . Three million people watched as the ashes of this great man were gently poured into the brown waters of the river that would carry them to the ocean.還有300萬人守望著這位偉人的骨灰緩緩撒入褐以的恆河,河水把他的骨灰送向大海。

44 . Twelve days later, millions more Indians lined the railway tracks as a slow train took the jar containing his ashes 584 kilometres to a place by the river.12天後,當一列慢車將盛有甘地骨灰的罈子駛向584公里外,靠近恆河的一個地方時,又有數百萬人排列的鐵路兩旁,夾道送行。

45 . He wrote about socialism in newspapers and started a magazine called Indian Opinion.他在報紙上撰文報導社會主義並且創辦了一份叫做《印度之聲》的雜誌。

46 . The secret lies in the title of the book which he wrote about his early life, The story of my experiments with truth.秘密在於他寫的那本關於他自己早期生活的《我體驗真理的故事》一書。

47 . When he returned to India he spoke in public about the situation in South Africa.當他加到印度之後,他還就南非的形勢公開發表演說。

48 . South Africa passed further laws designed to make life difficult for non-whites.而南非則通過了更多的法令,企圖給非白種人的生活造成困難。

49 . Above all, he refused to make any personal gain from his political work.尤其是,他拒絕從所從事的政治事業中謀取個人利益。

50 . At this period Indians living in South Africa were badly treated by South African whites, and very few of them had the right to vote.在那一時期,居住在南非的印度人受到南非白人的虐待,他們當中有選舉權的寥寥無幾。

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