Unit 18 Office Equipment英語對話,高三英語課文,英語Unit 18 Office Equipment對白,Unit 18 Office Equipment英文怎麽說



Unit 18 Office Equipment用英語怎麽說


Unit 18 Office Equipment

1 . When work continued, one man lit a cigarette as he was working, but, finding it had a strange taste, he put it out.隨後他們繼續幹活,一個工人在幹活時點燃了一支香煙。可是他覺得有一股怪味,他就把煙滅了。

2 . Offices cannot work properly without certain important pieces of equipment.如果辦公室沒有配備一些重要的設備,人們就不能很好地工作。

3 . It took him some time to connect the long rubber pipe to the air supply pipe that ran round the port, but at last it was done and as a result work was able to progress much faster.他花了不少時間把長長的橡膠管接到鋪設在碼頭周圍的空氣供應管上,最後他終於把它們連接起來,工作因而進展得更快。

4 . There had been fuel on the ship, but this did not appear to have caused the fire, and little smoke was produced.很顯然,船艙裡已經發生了一場烈火,但是船艙內壁卻完好無損。船上存放著汽油,但火災似乎不是它引起的,因為沒有冒出什麼煙來。

5 . It did not take the firefighters long to put out the fire, and they at once started to look for causes of the fire.消防隊員沒花多時間就把大火撲滅了,他們馬上開始調查火災發生的原因。

6 . It is much cheaper to post or email a long report than to fax it.郵寄或電子郵遞一封長篇報告比傳真要便宜得多。

7 . Modern machines can make the copy bigger or smaller, lighter or darker and copy onto both sides of the paper.代機器可以放大、縮小、製作較亮的或較暗的複印件,也可以在紙的兩面複印。

8 . Another man lit a cigarette but it burnt strangely and so he too put it out.另一個工人點燃一支煙,但煙燃得怪怪的,於是他也把煙滅了。

9 . What is more, this information line operates 24 hours a day.而且,這種"問訊線路每天工作24小時。

10 . Most of them were able to climb out in time. However four men were not quick enough to escape the flames.大部分工人能夠及時逃生。可是有4個工人來不及逃離火場。

11 . Then, instead of spending maybe five hours typing the report again, you can print the new copy in one minute!然後,你可以把新的文本在一分鐘之內打印出來,而不是花5個小時重新把報告打一遍。

12 . Oxygen is widely used in ship repairs for cutting and joining metal plates or pipes.在船舶修理過程中,常常使用氧氣切割和焊接金屬板或金屬管。

13 . One of the first jobs when you start work in an office is to learn how to use every piece of equipment.你在辦公室開始工作的第一件事就是要學會怎樣使用辦公室裡的每樣設備。

14 . It is also useful for sending pictures, designs, maps and so on.傳真機也可以用來發送圖片、地圖等。

15 . The team started work on a new section inside the ship near the front.工作隊在靠近船頭的船艙裡的一段新區開始工作。

16 . They were puzzled by several things.有幾件事情使他們感到迷惑不解。

17 . All machines are slightly different, so you need a short lesson when you start work in a new office.所有的機器都稍微有些不同,所以當你新到一個辦公室開始工作時,你需要進行短期培訓。

18 . The fax has greatly changed office work, especially in China.特別是在中國,傳真機大大地改變了辦公室的工作。

19 . It is better to ask for help at the beginning rather than to wait until a busy period when everyone is rushed off their feet.最好在開始工作時就請人幫忙,而不是等到大學都忙得不可開交的時候。

20 . As quickly as they could, the men ran to th steps and up into the open, many of them with their clothes on fire.工人們盡快朝樓梯跑去,爬上樓梯跑出艙外,其中好多人衣服已經著火了。

21 . When you have finished the letter, you make any changes you wish, check it and print it.當你打完信件,你可以隨意修改、檢查,然後打印。

22 . While the men had been working inside the ship, the air-line had been giving off oxygen.當工人們的在船艙裡幹活時,供氣管一直在排放氧氣。

23 . Once the oxygen content of the air had risen to 25% it was ready to burn.一旦氧氣在空氣中的含量達到25%,它就要燃燒。

24 . Then, instead of having someone answering the phone all day, people can ring up the railway station and listen to a tape recording of the information.然後,人們可以打電話到火車站,從錄音電話中獲取信息,而不要安排一個專人整天接電話。

25 . So he had gone to the stores and had obtained a fixture that fitted both the tap on the supply line and the end of the air-line.所以他就到倉庫找到一個既適合供應管也適合供氣管的接頭。

26 . They then knew that they had discovered the cause of the fire.這時調查人員知道他們找到了發生火災的原因了。

27 . This is a telephone with a tape recorder.這是一台帶有磁帶錄音機的電話。

28 . What Caused The Fire ?是什麼引發了火災?

29 . If it is a long report, it is easy to make changes to the text.即使是一篇很長的報告,也很容易將原文改動。

30 . Sending a fax is more expensive than posting a letter, but much quicker.發傳真比寄信要貴些,但是要快得多。

31 . The man had connected the air-line to a supply line of oxygen, not compressed air.這個工人把供氣管接到了氧氣供應管上,而不是接到壓縮空氣管上。

32 . They had to work inside the ship, cutting away old metal, fixing new metal plates, drilling holes, laying electrical and phone wires and fixing new pipes for water and steam.他們要在船艙裡工作,切掉舊的金屬,焊接新的金屬板,鑽孔,埋電線和電話線以及安裝新的水管和蒸汽管。

33 . Once he had done this, he had been able to turn on the supply.一旦他接上了接頭,他就能夠打開供氣閥。

34 . This combines a typewriter keyboard, a printer and a computer.這種機器把打字機鍵盤、打印機和電腦連接起來。

35 . Half an hour later, another man struck a match for a cigarette and this time the whole of the inside of the ship caught fire.半小時後,又一個工人擦亮火柴想點支香煙,這下整個船艙都起了火。

36 . One man was told to fix up an air-line to provide compressed air for the machines they were using.有個工人被派去安裝"供氣管",給他們正在使用的機器提供壓縮空氣。

37 . You can imagine how useful this is, particularly in countries like China and Japan, which use written characters not letters.你可以想像得到,特別是在中國和日本這些使用文字而不是字母的國家,這是多麼有用處!

38 . When you place a sheet of paper in a fax machine, the machine reads the writing on the page and changes the shapes of letters into electronic signals.當你把一張紙放進傳真機裡,機器就會"讀"紙上的字跡,把字的形狀變為電子符號。

39 . The man who had been working on the repairs mentioned the curious way their cigarettes burned and tasted.一直在干修理工作的人提起了他們的香煙點燃時奇怪的樣子以及怪怪的味道。

40 . The question was, which one?問題是,哪一種氣體導致火災呢?

41 . You can print the telephone number of your information service in the newspaper.你可以把你的問訊服務的電話號碼登在報紙上。

42 . After three hours, the men stopped for a meal break.3小時之後,工人們停下來吃飯。

43 . When there is no one in the office, you can leave the answering machine on so that people who call you up can leave a message.當無人在辦公室時,你可以打開留言機,這樣打電話給你的人就可以留言了。

44 . The fire service began to wonder whether a gas might have caused the fire.消防部門開始懷疑有一種氣體可能會導致火災。

45 . For example, you can send information abroad immediately, but mailing a letter might take a week or so.例如,你能夠馬上發送信息到國外,但寄一封信可能要大約一周的時間。

46 . Their burnt bodies were found later.後來只找到他們被燒焦的屍體。

47 . First, remember that a fax can be read by anyone, so be careful what you send!首先,要記住任何人都有機會讀到傳真,因此,對你發送的內容要小心謹慎!

48 . Once you have done this, you will quickly become a useful member of the teazm.一旦你這樣做了,你很快就會成為工作班子裡有用的員。

49 . When you type a letter, the writing appears on a screen in front of you and is recorded onto a computer disk.當你打一封信時,字跡出現在你前面的屏幕上並顧在電腦的磁盤裡。

50 . The third person who lit a match started the fire.第三個工人擦亮一根火柴就引發了火災。

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