Second Honeymoon(二度蜜月) ACT III
1 . Honey, if there were any problems,親愛的, 假如有事的話,
2 . Homemade buttermilk biscuits.自家的酸奶餅。
3 . Why don't we take a walk down to the river?我們何不一路散步到河邊去呢?
4 . And very much in love.而且相愛至深。
5 . Now this is my idea of a good time!這才是我所謂的享受!
6 . This food is heavenly, isn't it?這一頓太美好了, 是嗎?
7 . Do you remember that old desk?還記得這張舊桌子嗎?
8 . And very good-looking, like his mother.也很漂亮 ,像他媽媽。
9 . Even the old patchwork quilt is the same!甚至這條舊的百衲被罩也是一樣!
10 . And when I got married.也跟我結婚時一樣。
11 . Do you have a picture?你們有他的照片嗎?
12 . it's exactly as it was when we were married!它跟我們結婚的時候一模一樣!
13 . My great-grandmother made that quilt我曾祖母縫好了這個被罩。
14 . First I want to call home我先得打個電話回家
15 . Oh, he's adorable!哦 ,他可愛極了。
16 . Not on our anniversary.可不能在我們的結婚紀念日。
17 . How wonderful! A boy or a girl?太好了! 男孩還是女孩?
18 . Oh, I took the liberty of ordering some breakfast for you.噢 ,我冒昧給你們訂了早餐。
19 . Thank you so much.太謝謝你了。
20 . Welcome to the Watermill Inn.歡迎你們來Watermill Inn。
21 . I'll be in the front office all day.我整天都在總辦公室。
22 . from the first time you stayed with us.自從你們第一次在我們這裡住開始
23 . so that each one would be a part of it.好讓每個人都成為它的一部分。
24 . Next time, bring the baby.下次把小寶寶一起帶來。
25 . Umm ... smell that coffee ... cinnamon and cloves.呀……你聞一聞咖啡……一股肉桂和丁香的香味。
26 . from the old clothing of every member in the family從每位家庭成員的舊衣服上
27 . and wrote to his wife Martha.給他妻子Martha寫信。
28 . What do you want to do after breakfast?早餐後你想做什麼?
29 . And very bright.而且非常聰明。
30 . We have a baby now.我們現在有一個小寶寶了。
31 . You see, Richard? Max is welcome here.你看到了吧, Richard, 他們這兒歡迎Max呢。
32 . Well, it's nice to have you with us again.噢 ,非常高興你們又來了。
33 . In those days, when they made quilts.那個時代 ,人們做被罩時,
34 . We were very young.我們那時很年輕。
35 . Just put it over there, Charles.就放在這兒吧 ,Charles。
36 . Like his father. A real Stewart.像他爸爸一樣。一個真正的Stewart家成員。
37 . Let's see ... hotcakes and maple syrup, with scrambled eggs.讓我瞧瞧……烤餅, 楓糖, 還有炒蛋。
38 . Now, this is my idea of a good time.這才是我所謂的享受。
39 . and check on your mother and the baby.問問你母親和孩子的情況 。
40 . she would call us.她會打電話過來的。
41 . I remember you and your wife我便一直記得你和你太太
42 . What a lovely tradition!多麼可愛的傳統
43 . If there's anything you need, please call me.假如你們需要什麼, 請打電話給我。
44 . Thank you for calling us.謝謝你打電話給我們。
45 . No. Look out the window. The sun is shining!不。你看看窗外。太陽出來了!
46 . Slices of orange with burnt honey.粘了焦蜜的桔子片。
47 . when Teddy Roosevelt was President.在Teddy Roosevelt當總統的時代。
48 . This whole place is heavenly.這整個地方都太美好了。
49 . She doesn't know we've changed hotels.她不知道我們換了旅館呀。
50 . This vacation is for you and me.這是我和你的假期。