Second Honeymoon(二度蜜月) ACT II英語對話,走遍美國,英語Second Honeymoon(二度蜜月) ACT II對白,Second Honeymoon(二度蜜月) ACT II英文怎麽說



Second Honeymoon(二度蜜月) ACT II用英語怎麽說


Second Honeymoon(二度蜜月) ACT II

1 . Oh, hello! How nice of you to remember us!噢, 好, 真好, 還記得我們!

2 . Hello? Yes. Yes, this is she.喂, 是的, 是的, 是我。

3 . Fifteen minutes! Thank you. Good-bye.十五分鐘 !謝謝 。再見。

4 . I beg your pardon? Oh, I see.你說什麼? 噢, 我明白了。

5 . Yes, my husband did call.是的, 我丈夫打過電話。

6 . Why should you be sorry?你何必說對不起呢?

7 . Right. Would you give me room service, please?好。請接房間服務部好嗎?

8 . Right this way, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart.走這邊, Stewart先生和太太。

9 . They don't have a coffee shop.他們也沒有咖啡廳。

10 . And I love you. Isn't that enough?我愛你。難道這還不夠嗎?

11 . You do? Really? It won't be any trouble?有, 真的, 不會有任何麻煩?

12 . and then we'll figure out what to do today.然後我們再決定今天做些什麼。

13 . Well, it isn't the Watermill Inn,算了,這不是Watermill Inn,

14 . I want some breakfast.我想吃早餐。

15 . It is special. Happy anniversary.確實很特別。結婚週年快樂!

16 . Do you want to stick it out for the whole weekend?難道你想在此地耗掉整個週末?

17 . but let's get a look at the view.但讓我們來瞧一瞧景色。

18 . Oh. Now all it has to do is stop raining.噢。現在唯一希望的就是停止下雨。

19 . having to take care of the baby all weekend.整個週末照顧孩子。

20 . This is not the way to spend our fifth anniversary.這不是我們過五週年紀念日的方式。

21 . They have an opening.他們有一個空房間。

22 . And I do feel bad about your mother而且我覺得很過意不去讓你母親

23 . Someone just checked out.有一個人剛剛結帳走了。

24 . That's OK, honey.沒有關係,親愛的。

25 . but I wanted this weekend to be special for you.但我希望這個週末對你來說很特別。

26 . Why don't we just check out?那何不立即結帳離開呢?

27 . Stop blaming yourself.別責備你自己了。

28 . Oh, Richard, it really isn't that bad.喔 ,Richard ,事情沒有那麼糟。

29 . Uh ... I give up.嗯……我放棄猜。

30 . What is she calling about?她打來說什麼?

31 . Have a nice stay.希望你們住得愉快。

32 . It isn't the way I hoped it would be.這不是我所盼望的。

33 . No. Isn't it wonderful?不, 這不是很美妙嗎?

34 . Oh, yes, I think we'd like that very much.噢 ,好的, 我想我們非常樂意。

35 . Thank you. I don't believe this.謝謝。我簡直不敢相信。

36 . Let's call room service and order a nice breakfast,讓我們打電話給房間服務部訂一份可口的早餐。

37 . Great, if you enjoy looking at a parking lot.好得很 ,假如你喜歡看一個停車場的話。

38 . It is for me,對我來說當然足夠,

39 . Clean? You call this clean?乾淨這樣算乾淨?

40 . I love walking in the rain.我喜歡在雨中散步。

41 . Well, let's go down to the coffee shop.哦 ,那我們下去咖啡廳吧。

42 . How is the view?景色怎麼樣?

43 . After all, we're here, we're alone, we're together.畢竟, 我們來到這兒了, 我們又單獨在一起了。

44 . Well, maybe we'll see the view in the morning.好了, 也許我們可以在早晨看風景。

45 . and Mrs. Montefiore has reserved the honeymoon suite for us. Montefiore太太為我們保留了蜜月套房。

46 . You will never guess.你絕對猜不到。

47 . Oh, you're being a really good sport about this, Marilyn,噢,在這件事情上,你倒變成一個看得很開的人, Marilyn?nbsp;

48 . It's still raining. I want to play tennis.仍然在下雨。我想打網球。

49 . We can get our meals at Mrs. Montefiore's down the road.我們可以沿大路走到Montefiore太太的旅館去吃。

50 . Well, what do you want to do?那你想幹什麼?

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