Photo Finish(大功告成) ACT I英語對話,走遍美國,英語Photo Finish(大功告成) ACT I對白,Photo Finish(大功告成) ACT I英文怎麽說



Photo Finish(大功告成) ACT I用英語怎麽說


Photo Finish(大功告成) ACT I

1 . Thanks. Thanks a lot. Good-bye.謝謝。非常感謝。再見。

2 . Oh, you think you're going to have a hard time你認為需要大費周折

3 . But the only time he's available this week但這星期他有空的時間只有

4 . He's the publisher of the Carlson Publishing Company.他是Carlson出版公司的老闆 。

5 . I guess they're trying to set up an appointment for me.我猜他們正設法給我安排晤談。

6 . I think you should show it to Mr. Carlson.我覺得你應該給Carlson先生看看。

7 . And your name is ...?請問你的名字是……?

8 . His number is five, five, five, seven, five, three, two.他的號碼是5557532。

9 . Does the name Harvey Carlson ring a bell?對Harvey Carlson這個名字有印象嗎?

10 . You think you've got what?你想你已經拍齊了什麼?

11 . Oh, it's so exciting, isn't it, Richard?噢 ,這太令人興奮了 ,是不是 ,Richard?

12 . I've been through every section with you, Richard.我和你一起檢視過每個部分, Richard。

13 . My name is Richard Stewart.我的名字是Richard Stewart。

14 . Is it too early to call Mr. Carlson?現在打電話給Carlson先生會不會太早了?

15 . Hello. Mr. Carlson, please.哈嘍 ,請找一下Carlson先生。

16 . and he really liked my concept.而且他真的喜歡我的想法。

17 . Now for the hard part.現在到了最難的部分。

18 . Oh, yes! Harvey Carlson! I remember.噢 ,是的, Harvey Carlson 我記得。

19 . He said they need a new book of photographs,他說他公司需要一本新的攝影集,

20 . Family Album, U.S.A.美國寫真集 。

21 . Lincoln Center, home of the Metropolitan Opera,林肯中心 ,大都會歌劇團,

22 . getting the album published?才能讓攝影集出版嗎?

23 . And the Music Center in Los Angeles.還有位於洛杉磯的音樂中心。

24 . What are you doing?你在幹什麼?

25 . I'm glad you feel you've finally put it all together.我很高興你終於就緒了。

26 . Mr. Stewart, I just spoke to Mr. Carlson. Stewart先生, 我剛剛與Carlson先生通了話。

27 . So, what do you think you're going to do?那麼你打算怎麼辦呢?

28 . So, why don't you call him in the morning?那麼你為何不明天早上打個電話給他?

29 . It's quite complete.已經相當齊全了。

30 . Do you think I have enough to show him?覺得我有足夠的照片給他看嗎?

31 . And Carnegie Hall.還有卡奈基音樂廳。

32 . And the others. I do have it all.還有其他的。我確實拍齊了。

33 . You have been working on this for some time, Richard.你從事這工作已有一段時間了, Richard。

34 . You're right. My Family Album, U.S.A. feels right.說的對。我的 美國寫真集 不賴。

35 . Shubert Alley, center of the theater on Broadway. Shubert Alley百老匯戲劇中心。

36 . Well, it's done. Tomorrow morning at a publisher's office.好了, 事情辦成了。明天早晨要到出版社老闆的辦公室。

37 . I think I've got them.我想我已經拍齊了。

38 . Performing arts--performing arts centers.表演藝術-- 表演藝術中心。

39 . Well, it won't be easy.嗯, 不很容易。

40 . I'd like to make an appointment with him.我想跟他約個晤談時間。

41 . Seven after nine? No. I'm sure he's in his office.九點零七分 ,不會太早的。我肯定他到辦公室了。

42 . He told me to call him about my project,他叫我打電話給他, 跟他談我的作品計劃,

43 . And the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington.還有位於華盛頓的甘迪表演藝術中心。

44 . Come on. Let's get some sleep.走吧 ,讓我們去睡覺吧。

45 . is tomorrow morning at ten o'clock.明天早上十點。

46 . I think you have got it, Richard.我想你已完成了 ,Richard。

47 . Mr. Carlson is busy at the moment. May I help you?Carlson先生現在正忙著呢。我可以為你效勞嗎?

48 . the New York City Ballet, the New York Philharmonic.紐約市芭蕾舞團, 紐約愛樂的大本營。

49 . And now that you're satisfied with the performing arts section,而且既然 對表演藝術這部分很滿意,

50 . He's going to love your work.他一定會欣賞你的作品的。

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