Parting Friends(餞行聚會) ACT I
1 . Well, I saw a nice watch.嗯,我已看中了一隻好表 。
2 . I should have saved some money.我早該存些錢。
3 . study for my math final.溫習數學 準備期末考試。
4 . It's all right with me我沒有問題。
5 . Mom says we can give her a going-away surprise party.媽媽說我們可以給她舉行一個讓她驚喜的歡送派對。
6 . You'll probably want the family car你也許需要用家裡的車
7 . Alexandra's coming over to help meAlexandra就要來幫我
8 . ready for the graduation ceremony,為畢業典禮做準備,
9 . You're not so bad yourself, Son.你自己也不錯,兒子。
10 . Surprise parties don't always work out.驚喜派對不是每次都成功的。
11 . Mom, give me a break.媽, 讓我喘口氣。
12 . I don't see any breaks or fractures.我看不出有任何破裂或骨折。
13 . If you drive carefully.只要你小心駕駛。
14 . Well, before I go to college,嗯,在我進大學之前,
15 . I have the whole summer ...我有一整個暑假可以利用……
16 . And I'd like to get her a nice gift ...我還想給她一份精美禮物……
17 . My pleasure, Son.不客氣,兒子。
18 . would be happy with something simple, Robbie.會欣然接受簡單的東西,Robbie。
19 . Well, that's what fathers are for.嗯,父親們的用處正在於此。
20 . When do you need the money?你什麼時候需要錢?
21 . Something simple--but a good one.要簡單的,但要精美 。
22 . Would you like to give her a little farewell party?你要不要為她舉行一個小型歡送派對?
23 . Well, now that you're here,嗯,既然你回來了,
24 . when she goes back to Greece.她回去希臘時。
25 . And I'm planning to get a job for the summer.我想在暑假打工。
26 . Can I invite Alexandra to stay for dinner?我可以請Alexandra留下來吃晚餐嗎?
27 . Yes. I'll be earning pretty good money if I get it.是的。假如我得到這份工作的話,我可以賺不少錢。
28 . you can help me with dinner.你就來幫我準備晚餐。
29 . Hi, Dad. Am I interrupting you?嗨,爸爸。我打攪了你嗎?
30 . we'll surprise her.我們再讓她驚喜一下。
31 . if it's all right with your dad.假如你爸爸答應的話。
32 . I could pay you back out of my lifeguard salary.我可以從我當救生員的薪水中拿出來還你。
33 . Oh, I don't know.噢,這個我就不知道啦。
34 . Could I?我可以用嗎?
35 . Well, we could tell her嗯,我們可以告訴她
36 . If you could lend me the money,假如你能借錢給我的話,
37 . I'd like to give her a nice going-away present.我很想送給她一件好的離別禮物。
38 . Well, I guess your mother and I can manage it.嗯, 我想你媽和我可以設法幫這個忙。
39 . I will. Thanks, Dad.我會小心的。謝謝你,爸爸。
40 . Mom, that would be terrific!那太棒了,媽!
41 . have become good friends, haven't you?成了好朋友,不是嗎?
42 . Yeah, they're getting the assembly hall是啊,他們在佈置大禮堂
43 . Well, I suppose that might work.嗯,想這樣或許可以奏效。
44 . What'd you have in mind?你心裡有什麼打算?
45 . But right now, I'm kind of short of cash.但現在,我手頭很緊。
46 . Yes. I like her.是的,我喜歡她。
47 . And my friend Alexandra is going back to Greece ...我的朋友Alexandra就要回希臘去了……
48 . I'll talk to him.我會去跟他談談。
49 . Is he still in his office?他還在辦公室嗎?
50 . I applied for a job as a lifeguard at the community pool.我申請了社區游泳池的救生員工作。