Parting Friends(餞行聚會) ACT III英語對話,走遍美國,英語Parting Friends(餞行聚會) ACT III對白,Parting Friends(餞行聚會) ACT III英文怎麽說



Parting Friends(餞行聚會) ACT III用英語怎麽說


Parting Friends(餞行聚會) ACT III

1 . She told Robbie that her flight tomorrow was canceled,她告訴Robbie說 她明天的班機取消了

2 . They'll just make him sad.那些只會讓他悲傷。

3 . I guess we were thinking the same thought.我想我們的心意相同。

4 . Yeah? What was it?是嗎? 是什麼驚喜?

5 . Let's have some music!我們來點音樂吧!

6 . You had it engraved!你在上面刻了字!

7 . But how did you know the party was for you?但是你怎麼知道派對是為你舉辦的呢?

8 . Hi! What happened?嗨 !怎麼回事?

9 . So now I'm taking a flight on Monday instead.所以我現在要改搭星期一的班機走。

10 . they insisted that I stay.他們堅持要我留下來。

11 . And to Robbie and the Stewart family並且感謝Robbie和Stewart全家

12 . In friendship, always. Alexandra.友情永不渝。Alexandra。"

13 . my friends,我的朋友們。

14 . my friends were giving me a party,我的朋友們為我舉辦了一個派對時,

15 . Oh, it's so pretty!噢,它好漂亮!

16 . OK, I guess.我想還好吧。

17 . for opening their home to me.為我敞開大門。

18 . That's great! Terrific!那太好了! 太棒了!

19 . A little going-away present.一個小小的臨別禮物。

20 . And I also have a little surprise for you, Robbie.我也有一個小小的驚喜給你,Robbie。

21 . When I told them當我告訴他們

22 . Especially when Alexandra gave me a surprise ...特別是Alexandra給了我一個驚喜……

23 . Mrs. Stewart, may I have this dance?Stewart太太,我可以請你跳這支舞嗎?

24 . Now we can really start the party!現在我們可以真正開始舞會了!

25 . Well, Robbie told me when he gave me this.嗯,當Robbie送給我這個的時候他告訴了我。

26 . This is terrible.真是太糟了。

27 . I would just like to thank all of you,我只是想謝謝你們大家,

28 . I called my parents from the airport.我從機場打電話給我父母。

29 . Open it, please.請打開看看。

30 . who have made my stay in the United States so wonderful.是你們使得我在美國的生活如此多采多姿。

31 . Maybe he's angry.也許他在生氣。

32 . Did she say why she had to leave today?她說了她為什麼今天非走不可嗎?

33 . We should have done it sooner.我們早就該取下來的。

34 . OK. I can't believe it!好的。我簡直無法相信!

35 . Too late now.現在太遲了。

36 . Do you think we should take down the decorations?你覺得我們應當取掉這些裝飾品嗎?

37 . Hear, hear!我們洗耳恭聽!

38 . You're a real friend!你是個真正的朋友!

39 . No, let's wait till Robbie gets back from the airport.不要。我們等Robbie從機場回來吧。

40 . It's lovely, Robbie.它非常可愛,Robbie。

41 . Why is he blowing his horn like that?為什麼他這樣子按喇叭?

42 . How about some music?來點音樂怎麼樣?

43 . No. Would you mind?不。你們不介意吧?

44 . Well, that must be him.噢,一定是他。

45 . I'd like to say something first.我想先說幾句話。

46 . I think you might be amused.我想你可能會覺得有趣。

47 . so she had to take an earlier flight today.所以她不得不在今天搭早一班的班機。

48 . I knew we thought alike,我知道我們心意相同,

49 . We should thank you.我們應當感謝你。

50 . but this is too much!但是這太令人難以置信了!

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