1 . May I refill your drink?再喝一杯如何?
2 . Would you like me to take you around introduce you?現在讓我替你向大家作介紹好嗎?
3 . We'll drink your health.我們為您的健康乾杯。
4 . That night we partied until dawn.那晚我們痛飲到天亮。
5 . I'm glad you enjoyed yourself; we enjoyed having you.我高興你過得愉快。承您光臨,我們也過得很快樂。
6 . Would anyone like seconds?誰要換其他的飲料?
7 . Thank you for inviting us; we had a wonderful time.謝謝您的邀請,使我們過得很快樂。
8 . Does everyone have enough to drink?諸位喝得盡興了沒有?
9 . Can I fix you a drink?我給你調飲料好嗎?