1 . It's pure fiction.完全是捏造。
2 . I wasn't born yesterday.我又不是三歲的孩子。
3 . That's insane.有沒有搞錯。
4 . You can't fool me.你蒙不了我。
5 . Who do you think you are kidding.你想要蒙誰呢?
6 . That's bullshit.那是胡說八道。
7 . What are you talking about?你在說什麼呀?
8 . I couldn't agree with you less.我完全不同意你的看法。
9 . You can't expect me to believe that.你不會以為我會信以為真吧。
10 . You've got it all wrong.你完全搞錯了。
11 . You must be joking.你肯定是在看玩笑。
12 . Save that for the suckers.鬼才信你那一套。
13 . I've never heard such a pile of crap in my life!我這輩子從來沒聽過如此胡說八道!
14 . You don't know up from down.你黑白不分。
15 . I won't listen to any more of this crap.我再也不想聽這胡言亂語了。
16 . You're way off base.球不在壘上,此處指「與事實不符」。
17 . You don't have a leg to stand on.你的觀點不值一駁。
18 . You can't be serious.你不會當真的。
19 . Over my dead body!我死也不會同意!
20 . You're really stretching the truth.你太言過其實了。
21 . Do you expect me to accept that?你以為我會接受嗎?
22 . I couldn't disagree with you more.我的看法和你截然相反。
23 . There's no truth in it.沒有一絲一毫是真的。
24 . You don't know what you are talking about.你不知道你在說什麼。
25 . Are you kidding?你在開玩笑嗎?
26 . No, I won't agree! don't waste your breath.不。 我不會同意的。 別跟我這兒費口舌。