Unit 6 In the library英語對話,初三英語課文,英語Unit 6 In the library對白,Unit 6 In the library英文怎麽說



Unit 6 In the library用英語怎麽說


Unit 6 In the library

1 . Thank you. said Meimei.「謝謝你,」梅梅說。

2 . Oh, dear! said Miss Yang. Are you sure you've lost it?「哎呀!」楊小姐說,「你肯定你弄丟了?」

3 . What was the name of the book? asked Miss Yang.「書名是什麼?」楊小姐問。

4 . He asked very politely, Excuse me, have you got any books about the moon and the stars?「請問,你有關於月亮和星星的書嗎?」

5 . Miss Yang works in the school library.楊小姐在學校圖書館工作。

6 . I'm very sorry. I borrowed a book from the library two weeks ago.「很對不起。兩周前我從圖書館借了一本書。

7 . She works very hard and is very helpful.她工作非常努力,對同學們幫助很大。

8 . One moring she was working at her desk in the library when a boy came in.一天早上,她正在圖書館裡伏案工作,這時,一個男孩走進來。

9 . I'm so glad.我太高興了。

10 . Excuse me, Miss Yang, she said.「請原諒,楊小姐,」她說。

11 . At that moment Lucy came into the library.正在那時候,露茜走進圖書館。

12 . She loves her work because she loves books.她熱愛自己的工作,因為她喜愛圖書。

13 . Excuse me, Miss Yang. I've just found this library book.「打攪了,楊小姐。我剛剛撿到這本圖書館的藏書。」

14 . Hello! Have you found your ruler yet?你好!你找到你的尺子了嗎?

15 . What a pity! I'm afraid that if you've lost it , you must pay for it, said Miss Yang.「真可惜!如果你真的弄丟了,恐怕你得付錢賠償,」楊小姐說。

16 . No, it isn't yours! said Miss Yang.「不,不是你的書!」楊小姐說。

17 . Yes, I have. I found it in my bag five minutes ago.是的,找到了。五分鐘以前在我的書包裡找到的。

18 . Not at all, smiled Lucy. You're welcome!「沒關係,」露茜笑著說,「不用謝!」

19 . Oh, yes, it's mine! Thanks a lot.啊,是的,它是我的!非常感謝。

20 . Sorry, I haven't. Why don't you ask Jim.對不起,我沒見。你為什麼不去問問吉姆呢?

21 . I've lost my ruler. Have you seen it anywhere?我的尺子丟了。你在哪看見了嗎?

22 . Yes, Miss Yang, said Meimei.「是的,楊小姐,」梅梅說

23 . I've lost my science book. Have you seen it anywhere?我的自然科學書丟了。你在哪看見了嗎?

24 . She likes the children to read newspapers and books in the reading room.她喜歡孩子們來閱覽室讀書看報。

25 . Oh, that's mine! said Han Meimei. Thank goodness!「啊,那是我的書!」韓梅梅說,「謝天謝地!」

26 . Yes, I've looked for it everywhere, said Han Meimei.「是的,我到處都找過了,」韓梅梅說。

27 . Then Han Meimei came in.接著韓梅梅走了進來。

28 . It's the library's. Please be more careful from now on!「是圖書館的書。從現在起請你倍加小心!」

29 . I'm very sorry. Usually I'm very careful. I have never lost a book before. It won't happen again.「很對不起。通常我是非常小心的。我以前從來沒有丟過書。這樣的事不會再發生了。」

30 . Don't thank me, said Miss Yang. We must both thank Lucy!「不用謝我,」楊小姐說,「我倆都得謝謝露茜!」

31 . THE LOST BOOK一本丟失的書

32 . She also likes them to borrow the books. But she is very strict.她也喜歡他們來借書。但她對大家非常嚴格。

33 . Yes, I think I have. Look at that book on the desk. Maybe it's yours.是的,我想我看見了。請看桌子上的那本書。也許就是你的。

34 . OK!said Miss Yang kindly.Let's forget the whole thing.「很好!」楊小姐寬厚地說,「讓我們忘記全部的事情。」

35 . But I can't find it. I think I've lost it.但我現在找不到了。我想我弄丟了。」

36 . You must always return your library book on time!你必須按時歸還圖書館的書!

37 . Thanks. I will.謝謝。我會的。

38 . In the library she has got books on many different subjects.在圖書館裡她準備了各種科目的書籍。

39 . Yes, said Miss Yang.they're on that shelf over there.「有,」楊小姐說,「就在那邊的那個書架上。」

40 . I've looked round the whole school. I can't find it anywhere.「我整個學校都找過了。我就是找不到它。」

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