觀點與想法英語對話,瘋狂英語 900 句,英語觀點與想法對白,觀點與想法英文怎麽說




瘋狂英語 900 句


1 . You don't seem to like my ideas, so tell me what do you think?看來你似乎不太喜歡我的主意,那可以告訴我你的想法吧?

2 . I can't go along with you on that, I'm afraid.恐怕在這一點上我不能認同你的廉潔。

3 . I couldn't agree with you more.我完全同意你的說法。

4 . That's a great idea!這點子不錯啊!

5 . I guess we could try this another way.我想我們可以嘗試用另一種方法。

6 . If I've ever been sure of anything, I'm sure of this; your team is going to lose the same game on Saturday.這一次我十分肯定:你們隊星期六的比賽會輸。

7 . If you want to make the intelligent choice, Trust me on this.如果你想作出明知的抉擇,那就相信我吧。

8 . Maybe you're right, but I still feel that blue is the way to go.也許你說得對,但我仍覺得藍色才是合適的。

9 . I feel that no other car comes close as far as luxury and reliability are concerned.我覺得就豪華和可靠性而言,沒有其它汽車能與其媲美。

10 . If you could just see it from our point of view, I'm sure you'd agree with me.如果你能從我們的立場看這一點的話,我相信你會認同我的。

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瘋狂英語 900 句