1 . Should I take the bus?要乘公共汽車嗎?
2 . Keep going straight for two blocks, then turn right on Elm street and you'll run right into it.一直走,過兩個街區,然後往右拐是埃爾姆街,再往前走,迎面就是莫特街。
3 . Sure. Have a good day.應該的。祝你度過愉快的一天。
4 . Any time.隨時都願意效勞。
5 . Thank you very much.太謝謝你了。
6 . No. It's only a little way.不遠,只有一小段路。
7 . Pardon me. I wonder if you could tell me how to get to Mott Street?對不起,不知道你能否告訴我到莫特街怎麼走?
8 . Is it too far to walk?走著去很遠嗎?
9 . Go three blocks and make a right. It's right there.過3個街區,然後往右拐。那裡就有個郵局。
10 . Can you help me out? I'm trying to find a post office.你能幫我個忙嗎?我想找個郵局。
11 . No. It's only take about five minutes to walk.不用。只消走5分鐘左右就到了。