生活和商務 - 隨手寫出地道英語信件(二)英語對話,瘋狂英語拿手好戲卡,英語生活和商務 - 隨手寫出地道英語信件(二)對白,生活和商務 - 隨手寫出地道英語信件(二)英文怎麽說



生活和商務 - 隨手寫出地道英語信件(二)用英語怎麽說


生活和商務 - 隨手寫出地道英語信件(二)

1 . I'll call you on Friday to see if we can reschedule our luncheon meeting at your convenience.我星期五會給你打電話,在你方便的時間重新安裝我們的午餐約會。

2 . We are very pleased with our presend arrangements for printing and definitely will not be considering any other services in the foreseeable future.在今後的一段時間內我們不會考慮其他的服務提供者。

3 . Thank you for reminding us that you will be in town next Wednesday and would like to discuss your printing services with Ms. Smith.謝謝你告訴我你下同週三將到達達鎮上並希望與史密斯夫人討論有關印刷服務問題。

4 . We appreciate your interest in our firm, however, and thank you for writing.我們感謝你對我們公司表示的興趣,謝謝你的來信。

5 . Please accept my apology for not neeting you for lunch Tuesday.我很抱歉,星期二沒有與你一起共進午餐。

6 . But somehow I got my days mixed up and didn't realize the mistake until now.可是不知道怎麼回事,我把日期弄錯了,而且到現在才知道這個錯誤。

7 . As Ms. Smith has indicated on several previous occasions.史密斯夫人在先前的幾個場合已表示過我們對目前的印刷的安排很滿意。

8 . Therefore, Ms. Smith has asked me to tell you that a meeting would not be helpful at this time.我轉告你現在會面沒有什麼意義。

9 . Dear Mr. Billet.尊敬的比利先生。

10 . I had the appointment written on my calendar and was looking forward to the occasion.我早已把這個約會寫在我的日曆上而且一直期待著這一時刻。

11 . Dear Mr. Lee.親愛的李先生。

12 . I'm eager to hear about the proposed Stone Project in more details.我想知道有關已提出的「世通計劃」的更多細節。

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