1 . Paper or plastic?現金還是信用卡?
2 . How fresh are these vegetables?這些蔬菜有多新鮮?
3 . I forgot the grocery list.我忘了帶我的購物請單。
4 . Where are the shopping carts?購物車在哪兒?
5 . Where's the dairy food section?奶製品在什麼地方?
6 . The checkout counters are very busy.收款台都很忙。
7 . Can I get a price check on...?我能查一下……的價格嗎?
8 . Do we have to bag our own groceries?我必須自己裝我們買的商品嗎?
9 . Where's the produce section?儲鮮櫃在什麼地方?
10 . In what aisle can I find the ...?我在哪排能找到……?