瘋狂英語 900 句
1 . The way an event is portrayed in the media largely determines how it will be viewed by the public.媒體對新聞的報道方式很大程度上決定著觀眾看待這件事的試。
2 . They'd never dare to publish this information, there would be a panic riot.他們不敢報道這條消息,因為這條消息會引起恐慌。
3 . I think the newspaper put a bad spin on these latest events.我認為報紙扭曲報道了最近發生的事件。
4 . His popularity has soared thanks largely to his TV appearances.由於經常出現在電視上,他的知名度日趨上升。
5 . The media is amazing these days, we can watch world changing events happen live right in front of our eyes.現在媒體卻實很神奇,我們能親眼目睹世界上剛發生的事情。
6 . If you want a job in journalism, you'll need to undertake media studies.如果你想在新聞界工作,你得學習媒體知識。
7 . The radio has lost most of its audience, thanks to TV.由於電視的存在,收音機失去了大量聽眾。
8 . Some feel that the media has too much power these days.有人認為現在媒體的影響力太大了。
9 . Television is the most powerful tool of persuasion that man has ever created.電視是人類所創造的最有威力的遊說工具。
10 . The reporters and cameramen swarmed around the accident like bees around a honey pot.為了報道這件事情,記者和攝像師蜂擁而至。