英文諺語 3120 句(二)
第 284 部分
1 . Two dogs strive for a bone, and a third runs away with it.鷸蚌相爭,漁翁得利。
2 . Truth, once crushed, will rise again.真理是打不倒的。
3 . Try your friend ere you trust him.對朋友要先考驗,後信任。
4 . Two dogs strive for a bone,the third runs away with it.兩狗相爭一骨頭,第三隻狗銜起走。
5 . Truth's best ornament is nakedness.不加裝飾是真理的最好的裝飾。
6 . Two dogs over one bone seldom agree.兩狗啃一骨,相持難服輸。
7 . Truth will stand without a prop.真理能樹,不靠支持。
8 . Two blacks do not make a white.兩個烏黑不等於一個清白。
9 . Try (your friend) before you trust him.朋友要經考驗,才能取得信任。
10 . Turn your tongue seven times before speaking.話到嘴邊留三分。