談隱私英語對話,瘋狂英語 900 句,英語談隱私對白,談隱私英文怎麽說




瘋狂英語 900 句


1 . If you're prepared to put private information onto the internet, it won't be private for long.如果你把個人資料放在互聯網上,很快它就不會是什麼秘密了。

2 . I can see straight into the neighbors'backyard from here.從這我可以直接看到鄰居們家的後院。

3 . The way people act in private is often quite different to how they act when in public.人們私下的行為跟公共場合的行為是截然不同的。

4 . I'll discuss this matter with you behind closed doors.我要跟你私下談這個事。

5 . Shut the curtains, I'd like a little privacy for a while.拉上窗簾,我這會不想讓人看到。

6 . Be careful, I think the neighbors have been spying on us.小心點,我覺得我們鄰居一直在窺視我們。

7 . It's no secret my wife is expecting a baby.我老婆快生孩子了,這又不是什麼秘密。

8 . Due to the privacy act, I can't release his personal information to you.根據隱私保護法,我不能把他的個人資料洩露給你。

9 . Keep this information confidential, other companies would kill to get their hands on this.這些資料可要保密,其他公司千方百計想得到它。

10 . My private life is none of your business!我的私生活不關你的事。

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瘋狂英語 900 句