瘋狂英語 900 句
1 . I can't stand the commercial breaks on TV.我忍受不了電視因為賣廣告而中斷節目。
2 . Advertisements are ofter misleading to consumers.廣告經常誤導消費者。
3 . Many advertisements exaggerate the usefulness of the products.很多廣告都誇大了產品的效用。
4 . David Ogvy is the first genius of modern advertising.大衛.奧格維是現代廣告的第一天才。
5 . To advertise during prime time TV is very expensive.在電視的黃金時段買廣告是很貴的。
6 . The best way to promote your products is through advertising.推廣產品最好的方法就是買廣告。
7 . You can't believe all these ads.你不能全信廣告。
8 . You can see many posters that are put up before the movie opens.每部電影首映前你都會看到鋪天蓋地的海報。
9 . I have to go out and hand out fliers.我要出去派傳單。
10 . He began to seek jobs in the classified advertisement column in the newspaper.他開始從報紙的分類廣告欄找工作。