1 . Fine. How much would you like to exchange, sir?好的。您要兌換多少呢,先生?
2 . Certainly. Do you have any identification?當然可以。你有任何證明文件嗎?
3 . Five hundred dollars, please. And could you give me ten dollar in small change?請換500美元。再另外能否給我10元的小面額零錢?
4 . No. Please endorse the check at the back.不會的。請在支票的背面簽名。
5 . May I help you, sir?需要我幫忙嗎,先生?
6 . I'd like to convert some RMB yuan to US dollar, please.請將我的一些人民幣換成美元。
7 . I'd like to cash some traveller's checks here.我想在這兒兌換一些旅行支票。
8 . Anything can I help you with?有我能幫忙的地方嗎?
9 . A dollar is valued at eight point two RMB yuan.一美元價值8.2元人民幣。
10 . Yes, I have my Passport. Here it is.是的,我有護照。這就是。
11 . Are you being waited on?您需要服務嗎?
12 . What's the exchange rate today?今天的兌換比率是多少?
13 . Please cash this check.請兌現這張支票。