1 . I'll just follow you.我跟著你就是。
2 . You'll have to wear this hard hat for the tour.參觀時必需戴上這安全帽。
3 . Please stop me if you have any question.有任何問題,請隨時叫我停下來。
4 . This one seems a little small for me.這頂我戴好像小了一點。
5 . We can start over here.我們可以從這裡開始。
6 . Duck your head as you go through the door there.經過那兒的門時,請將頭放低。
7 . It was a great help to me.真是獲益良多
8 . Here, try this one.喏,試試這一頂。
9 . That's the end of the tour.參觀就此結束了。