和陌生人相識相知相交 - 額外成就感
1 . It's been a pleasure to talk to you.和你談話是件很愉快的事。
2 . He's still not used to life in the city.他仍然沒有適應城市生活。
3 . This dictionary is more useful than I expected.這字典比我所預期的更有用。
4 . Remembering the past was his only ple4asure.回憶往事是他唯一的樂趣。
5 . She became used to the new job.她已經習慣了那份新工作。
6 . I expect that, he's will pass the examination.我料想他會通過考試。
7 . He did it in no time.他馬上做了那件事。