1 . What seems to be the problem.什麼樣的問題呢?
2 . Good. go ahead and do that.好啊,就這麼辦。
3 . Is see, we'll have it picked up, in that case.哦,我明白了,這樣子的話,我們就把它挑出來。
4 . Do you have any suggestions.你說怎麼辦?
5 . Is the price the same?價錢一樣嗎?
6 . We just can't use this one, it won't work.這種的我們就是不能用,行不通的。
7 . We can give you a better one at thesame price.我們可以給你更好的一種,價錢一樣。
8 . We were out of the part you needed.你要的那種零件我們沒有貨了,
9 . Can we substitute the J-123 for the J113?以J-123來替代J-113,可以嗎?
10 . Our order specified no substitutions.我們訂單上特別裁明瞭「拒收替代品」。
11 . We're having a lot of trouble filling this order.我們這次供貨很有問題。