Smell the Flowers(偷得浮生半日閑) ACT II
1 . We'll have three crab salads我們來三份蟹肉沙拉
2 . I find myself in an embarrassing situation.我現在有一件很糗的事。
3 . and forgot to enter it in my appointment book.但忘了寫到工作日記裡 。
4 . Welcome to the South Street restaurant, folks.歡迎光臨南街餐館, 各位。
5 . Do you remember, Michelle?你還記得嗎, Michelle?
6 . Michelle, would you like to try the crab salad, too? Michelle要不要也試試蟹肉沙拉?
7 . Well, I think I'm going to go get us all some vegetables.好啦 我想我去給大家盛點蔬菜來。
8 . Tomorrow at five o'clock at the Biltmore.明天五點鐘, 在Biltmore飯店。
9 . Just girl talk, Daddy.只是女孩子之間的談話, 爸爸。
10 . It's too hard to explain.這很難解釋清楚。
11 . Then why are you and Daddy那為什麼你和爸爸
12 . I'm his friend.我是他的朋友。
13 . OK. You go out and get a drink of water at the fountain.好。你出去在飲水機那兒喝點水吧。
14 . And right now, he needs a friend.而且現在, 他需要一個朋友。
15 . So, what were you two talking about?你們倆剛才談什麼了?
16 . He's on the phone.他在電話上。
17 . Thank you, Mr. Levine.謝謝你, Levine先生。
18 . It's nice to see you again.很高興再見到你們。
19 . I'll wait for my father.我要等我爸爸。
20 . And so are you, I think.我想你也如此。
21 . Sometimes he's very sad.他有時很憂悒。
22 . This is a little difficult for her.這對她來說有點不習慣。
23 . We're going to go to lunch in a few minutes, honey.我們一下子就去吃中餐, 親愛的。
24 . And some ice-cold lemonade.還有冰涼的檸檬汁。
25 . I'd really appreciate it.... Yes.... Thank you....我非常感激……好的……謝謝你……
26 . I know you are.我知道你是。
27 . What'll it be?想來點什麼?
28 . I made another lunch date for today我和別人約好共進午餐,,
29 . Yes. But could you wait one minute?是的。不過, 你能等一下嗎?
30 . We used to catch crabs.我們以前常捉螃蟹。
31 . Daddy, can we go soon?爸爸 ,我們能快點走嗎?
32 . But I'm thirsty.可是我渴了。
33 . Michelle, can I help you with the lemonade?Michelle,我幫你倒點檸檬汁好嗎?
34 . on the telephone for me, please.請替我撥電話。
35 . She'll be fine.她沒有問題。
36 . You're probably right.也許你說得對。
37 . I'd love the crab salad.我要蟹肉沙拉。
38 . Well, the crab salad's always a big hit.嗯 ,蟹肉沙拉一向是廣受歡迎的。
39 . we would go down to the beach and catch crabs,我們走到海邊抓螃蟹,
40 . I haven't dated any one else since her mother died.自從她母親去世之後 我從沒有和別人約會過。
41 . I have a call to make.我需要打個電話。
42 . I'd like to be your friend, too.我也想成為你的朋友。
43 . You and Mommy used to take me on the ferryboat.你和媽媽常帶我坐渡船。
44 . I used to be that way when I was her age.我像她這般年紀也是這樣。
45 . We had a summer house on Fire Island.我們在火島有一所避暑別墅。
46 . Michelle picked these flowers out for you.Michelle選這些花送你 。
47 . we don't have to.我們不必勉強。
48 . Because we like each other.因為我們彼此喜歡。
49 . spending so much time together?老是在一起呢?
50 . Sometimes, at night,有時候, 在夜晚,