Animals And Plants(動物與植物)
1 . The insect is trapped in the spider's web.蜘蛛捕捉纏在網上的昆蟲。
2 . To carry game to the nest把獵獲物搬到巢裡
3 . A bat is hanging.蝙蝠倒懸著。
4 . Flowers are blooming.花朵綻放了。
5 . A hen is on her eggs.母雞蹲在它的蛋上。
6 . The eagle glides gracefully.老鷹優雅地在空中滑翔。
7 . A squirrel cracks the nuts.松鼠在啃堅果.
8 . The snake curls up.蛇盤成一團。
9 . The hippopotamus is sleeping.河馬在呼呼大睡。
10 . The netbugs are trapped in China Telecom's web.中國電信捕捉纏在網上的網蟲。
11 . The gorilla is beating his chest.那隻大猩猩在捶著胸膛。